Category: IBS
Chia Seeds – A Nutrition Powerhouse?
Welcome to another superfoods article, this time looking at the tiny little seed known as chia. You have probably seen recipes for chia seed pudding, jams and all sorts of things. This is a versatile and delicious food. But should we be calling it a superfood and what are the benefits of chia seeds? What…
Covid-19 and IBS: What you need to know
Coronavirus 101 What is coronavirus(1) Covid-19 is the most recently discovered form of a disease from the coronavirus family. Coronaviruses also include Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). How it it spread(1) Covid 19 is a respiratory virus and as such is primarily spread through droplets coming from an infected person…
Spice Up Your Cooking
Going vegan and then trying to manage an IBS friendly diet can sound a bit daunting and quite frankly, maybe even a bit flavourless. For years people were convinced vegans subsisted solely on lettuce with a token carrot or two. We know that isn’t the case but add veganism on top of trying to keep…
Cupboard Staples in the Time of Covid
I wrote an insta post a while ago on the staples I keep in my kitchen, as I found it really helpful to have a few key items I could rely on when first going vegan and trying to manage my IBS. Now, more than ever with the crazy circumstances around us, we are all…
10 Things to Do the Day After an IBS Attack
The day after having a particularly bad IBS attack can leave you feeling a little worse for ware. You may still be experiencing some painful symptoms or your body may just be completely exhausted. We have all been there and after years of having my bad days this is my list of ten things to…
An Introduction to IBS
What is IBS? IBS stands for irritable bowel syndrome. It is a chronic condition that affects the digestive system, requiring long term management, as currently there is no known cure. It is estimated that IBS affects around 11% of the global population (1) and approximately 17% of the UK population (2). Symptoms vary from person…